Moving a 3TB Database Datafiles With Only 2 Minute Downtime


In the last week, I had couple of my customer ask me the same question: how can we move our data files between disks with minimum downtime?

This is actually a really good question. When we want to move a database around (let’s say to a new storage or a new disk device) we will need to do it when the files are closed (offline or database down) in order to keep them consistent.  We can do it tablespace by tablespace or the entire database but at the end, it all depends on the size of the files that needs to be transferred. By the way, in Oracle 12c this problem is obsolete since there is an online move command

In the example I’m giving here, the customer had a 3 TB database with most of it in the same tablespace. The downtime allowed by the customer SLA to his customers was around 5-7 minutes so we obviously couldn’t take the database down or take the tablespaces offline. We needed another solution.

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oug_scot: Oracle DB In Memory Presentation


This is the presentation I gave at the Scotland OUG back in June 2015 (Yes, I know I’m late).

The presentation was interrupted by a fire alarm (you can read all about it here).

This is a customer case study on a proof of concept we did with a customer a while ago. The PoC was successful and we are now waiting for the application to catch up and go to Oracle 12c so we can implement it in production environment.

I would like to thank the guys at Clarizen for allowing me to present their test case and to everybody who came to hear me talk.

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oug_scot: SQLcl the next generation of SQLPlus Presentation


I have two last debuts from the Scotland OUG meeting – the presentations.
First, the SQLcl presentation and the demo.sql file to run the things I showed there.

I thank everybody who found the time to come hear me talk and I hope you enjoyed the presentation.

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OUG_SCOT: I was on fire and then the fire alarm went off


it’s been a couple of months since my session at the oug_scot and I feel it’s enough time to write about it…

First of all – it was awesome!

I have never been to a user conference other than the ilOUG in Israel. I went to the Oracle Open World couple of years ago (and I’m not going this year 🙁 ) but it was nothing alike…
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Moving Datafiles Online in Oracle 12c

I wrote about this feature in Hebrew quite some time ago but in the last week I was asked by couple of my customers about the correct way to move datafiles with minimal downtime so I thought it would be nice to show the Oracle 12c solution before talking about the solution I gave them.

For years, moving datafiles was a pain in the DBA behinds. It required some database action, then some OS actions and then some other database actions. Starting Oracle 12c we can now move datafile online, without interfering the application and without taking the tablespace offline or read only.

Even though Oracle 12c brought a lot of new features and changes, this feature must be one of my favorites. It made thing so easy and so simple that it made me wonder what took them so long…

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Oded at Scotland OUG

Oded’s Session on Security in the Cloud is now (oug_scot)

Oded Raz, my colleague and friend is on right now, talking about security in the cloud in the Scotland OUG conference.
Since the room is full, I had to leave to make some more space to the participants…

Oded at Scotland OUG

In the mean time, I was taking a walk around this nice complex and found the visitor demo room for hardware and engineered systems. I took some pictures:
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