Live Blogging: Oracle User Group Conventions Israel and Scotland

Just a quick note – I was quite busy in the last few days – first there was the Israeli ilOUG convention (it’s still on) but I had to leave early since today I’m speaking at Scotland!

So today I’m speaking at 15:25 – my session is about “Adding Real Time Reporting to Your Database: Oracle In Memory Option”. This is a great session I gave last year in ilOUG SIG group and I added the PoC part we did at Clarizen. I will upload the presentation later today and I will be available to questions on that if you’ve got any.

My seconds session is a joint session with ACE Director Oded Raz – “SQLcl: The Next Generation of SQL*Plus?”. I wrote about SQLcl just a few weeks ago and now we’re presenting it. I will upload the presentation and the live demo document as well.

I hope everything will go okay today – I was told the room we are speaking at is not very big (and that’s a good thing for me). I will upload some pictures later and if you want to read more about my adventures in lovely Scotland on Twitter… 🙂

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